How Important is Work-Life Balance, Really?

How Important is Work-Life Balance, Really?
Article Written by Isabella Granara
You’ve heard about it in the workplace but what does it really mean to implement a healthy work-life balance? Your relationship with both is extremely important for many reasons, so today, we are going to talk about the physical benefits of work-life balance.

Work-life balance is the balance between personal life and career work. It may not seem difficult to implement in your everyday life, but many employees suffer from managing the two, especially when work expectations are extremely high.

The Physical Impact on Employees

The idea of work-life balance has not ceased to be a buzz conversation and in modern day, many employees deem it a necessity – and its no wonder why! Work-life balance is an important aspect of employees’ overall health. Research has shown that implementing this in everyday life helps reduce not only stress but the chances of burnout in the workplace.

Work-life balance can also lead to higher productivity levels in employees as well as increase performance.

The Impact of Burnout and Stress

Burnout can cause fatigue, mood swings, irritability, and a decrease in overall work performance. Employees who work long hours and hit overtime are at higher risk of burnout.  

Chronic stress in the workplace can go as far to lead to other health risks, such as hypertension, digestive troubles, chronic aches/pain, and heart troubles. A UCL study of 10,000 participants concluded that workers who worked overtime had a 60% higher risk of heart-related problems.

Stress has also been linked to a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Take a look here to learn more about the effects of overworking.

According to Harvard Business Review, “the psychological and physical problems of burned-out employees cost an estimated $125 billion to $190 billion a year in healthcare spending in the United States.”

How Companies Can Implement Work-Life Balance

More often than not, employee burnout is a problem with the company, not the employee. Companies have become more open to work-life balance and even encourage it. Keep in mind all employees will have their own version of what work-life balance means to them.

Here are some ways companies can implement work-life balance:

Ask Employees for Guidance

Employees are your most important asset, so use them!

If you are afraid your employees are struggling, ask them and then implement ways to fix the issue. Potentially have regularly scheduled meetings to collaborate on new ways to implement work-life balance.

Be Flexible

Although you may have strict deadlines, employers can give workers more freedom to manage their own work on their own time.

Encourage breaks

Whether it is during the day or more reconsidering time off from work, employers need to recognize that work-life balance may just be as easy as giving their employees more time to themselves.

Lead by Example!

President and CEO Thomas Taylor and Director of Bioprocess Sales, Alice Taylor, are both members of the Foxx Life Sciences team. Within their respective roles they are able to show their coworkers how important work-life balance is with How to Have Fun Outdoors, a YouTube channel where they explore alpine skiiing, snowmobiling, rock climbing, surfing, and more!

Employees in key positions can lead by example like Tommy T and Alice have at Foxx Life Sciences and we strongly encourage all companies to do the same!

Check out all of the videos here.

Check out some other links that have to do with work-life balance: